Representatives of Turkmen mass media participates in work of the IV Caspian media forum

These days, administration centre of Astrakhan region, the Russian Federation hosts the IV Caspian media forum with the participation of the delegation from Turkmenistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan for the first time. 

This forum is another step in the development of professional relatons for our country, which actively strengthens its presence in international including media grounds while integrating to common informational space. 

Master classes and seminars for young journalists discussing the tendencies of development of informational cooperation between the Caspian states were held in the universities of Astrakhan under the forum. 

Turkmenistan delegation took part in the working session of the members of the Caspian Editorial – informal association of mass media representative of the Caspian states, which was founded for the improvement of informational cooperation in the region. The participants of the meeting have discussed key steps of the formation of this structure, the plans of further improvement of its activity and shared the impressions of the practice of cooperation with the colleagues. 

It was highlighted at the meeting that colossal changes occur and big international events are held in our country owing to innovative ideas of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. These events attract more and more attention of international community, due to which the representatives of Caspian Editorial office expressed the intent to cooperate with Turkmen media and make joint informational products and share the content. 

The topics highlighted at the working meeting received further elaboration at the session of the Caspian Editorial Office under the media forum. Specially for the participants of this event, Turkmen delegation made presentation of the World Weightlifting Championship in Ashgabat in November this year, having introduced the conditions made for highlighting of the tournament by foreign mass media. 

It was highlighted that this sport event would attract the attention of many world mass media and national new agency “Media Turkmen”, which website provides current information about coming competitions, became general informational partner of the world championship for creation of relevant conditions. 

For the Caspian states, which are united by common sea, therefore, by the issues related to it, the vector of improvement of cooperation in informational sphere bearing huge historical and ethnographic layer, colossal charge of goodwill of the nations of the region, its crossed diasporas seems to be the main in making of the relations with entire world. This is the aspect where geographical specification determines the focuses of foreign course of Turkmenistan. 

Representatives of international channel RT (Russia Today), which Turkmen mass media productively cooperates with, have also taken part in the forum. Recently, the group of RT has visited Turkmenistan for highlighting of Amul – Hazar 2018 eco rally raid. 

Participation of Turkmen delegation in the IV Caspian media forum where our journalists and periodic press have won the awards in different nominations of “Caspian Sea without Border” International contest became another step toward the expansion of the audience of Turkmen mass media by placing of its news, informational and analytical materials and other content in leading foreign resources. 

Such partnership opens new opportunities for exchange of practice, use of advanced technologies and realization of joint projects as well as development of internet space and network communication by Turkmen broadcasting channels. Undoubtedly, all of these directs national journalism to creation of more qualitative informational product and will stimulate the growth of professional level and creative processes in this sphere.