23 Sep

Арт-базар: праздник творчества, общения, позитива

В торговом центре «Багтыярлык» прошел очередной арт-базар. Со второй половины дня поток посетителей поднимался на третий этаж центра, построенного в стиле атриум, где по кругу шла бойкая торговля эксклюзивом. Главная особенность ярмарки мастеров – все, что выставлено на продажу, сделано своими руками. И рассматривая разложенные на витринах всевозможные изделия, можно только удивляться искусным рукам народных умельцев!  От большого числа товара и посетителей глаза, что называется «разбегаются»...

22 Sep

Oil refinery products are in the top of the exchange trade session

79 transactions have been registered at the trades of the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week. For foreign currency, entrepreneurs from USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Afghanistan and Latvia have bought gasoline, tempered petroleum coke, diesel and jet fuel produced by Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex. Businessmen from Afghanistan have also bought gasoline produced by Seydi Refinery and polypropylene made in Kiyanly was procured by...

22 Sep

Perspectives of partnership in the sphere of oversized cargo transportation to be discussed at the forum Heavy Caspian: Turkmenistan

Congress centre of Avaza National tourist centre will host I International Conference Heavy Caspian: Turkmenistan on October 1 – 3, 2018. Shipment and assembly of heavy cargos for specific projects in Turkmenistan including the capability of Turkmenbashy port, condition of road and railway infrastructures are to be discussed at the forum. Stable growth of macroeconomic indicators, dynamic development of fuel and energy sector, stability of financial market, flexible response to the changes of...

21 Sep

В Каахкинском этрапе введены в строй роддом и Дом здоровья

В Каахкинском этрапе состоялись открытия новых объектов медицинской сферы, приуроченные к празднованию 27-й годовщины независимости страны.  В торжествах приняли участие депутат Меджлиса Туркменистана Сердар Бердымухамедов, представляющий в национальном парламенте интересы жителей Ахалского велаята, руководители велаятского и этрапского хякимликов, ведомственных структур системы здравоохранения, общественных организаций, почётные старейшины.  Благодаря целенаправленным преобразованиям и ре...

21 Sep

History of Turkmens Indissociable from Ahalteke Race Horses

Every period in history has a symbol that most clearly reflects the spirit of the people and the time, achievements and accomplishments of the society. Horses have long been the image that embodies the finest aspirations and high ideals of the Turkmen people. Ancient chronicles and numerous doctrinal sources testify to the fact that the ancient and world famous horse breeding center was located on the territory of present Turkmenistan.  Currently, under the patronage of President Gurbanguly B...

21 Sep

Book of the head of the State “On the Way to Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan” is presented in Ashgabat

Turkmen State Institute of Economy and Management hosted the presentation of new book of Academic of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Economics, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “On the Way to Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan”.  The book represents analytical review of dynamic development of our country, which has riches natural and significant production, infrastructural and human potential, realization of national and profile programmes,...

21 Sep

Next book «Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road» is published

The Mukams Palace and the Centre of Public Organizations hosted the presentation of the second book of Honoured Doctor of the number of foreign scientific and educational centres, Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”. The members of the Government, representatives of scientific sphere, political parties and non-governmental organziations, mass media, art masters and cultural personnel, students took part in the events.  Issue of the next book o...