3 Aug

Transport and communication complex demonstrates stable growth

As it was informed at the session of the Government on August 3 dedicated to the outcomes of seven months of the year, plan for communication services and cargo and passenger transportation has been fulfilled by 110 percent with the growth rate of 114 percent in transport and communication complex.  By the Ministry of Railway Transport, the growth rates of services is 107 percent. The plan for cargo transportation has been executed by 106 percent and for passenger transportation by 101.1 perc...

3 Aug

Infrastructure of the SC Turkmenhimiya to be modernized

As it was informed at the session of the Government on August 3, that the plan of total production volume of the Ministry of Industry has been executed by 113.6 percent with the growth rate of 111.9 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.  These indicators made 126.8 and 127.2 percent respectively by the Ministry of Textile Industry. Planned objectives for production of carpets and carpet goods has been fulfilled by 125.9 percent with the growth rate of 109.3 percent for Janu...

3 Aug

Positive results are achieved in the economy from the beginning of the year

The growth of the GDP of Turkmenistan are 6.2 percent for seven months of 2018. Comparing with the same period of the last year, the production has increased by 4.4 percent.  Average salary in big and medium enterprises of the country are 9.1 percent higher than in the same period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowance and students scholarships were paid in time and in full volume.  Construction of 77 social facilities, 32 water treatment facilities 235 square meters of livi...

3 Aug

Fifty thousand computers of domestic production will be produced by September 1

The economic society “Aydin gijeler” started assembling children's educational computers with a color monitor and dimensions of 28x20 cm. The entrepreneurs are planning to fulfill the order of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan to produce 50,000 items by the beginning of the academic year. The netbook will have a customized design and a three-lingual interface: Turkmen, Russian, and English. The algorithm of the learning process will include exercises in the exact and humanitarian science...

2 Aug

Efficiency of agricultural complex is the base of food security

Increment of various agricultural production volumes and provision of food abundance are the most important priority of social and economic policy of Turkmenistan. Due to efficient measures aimed at intensive development of agricultural sector and comprehensive government support of national agricultural producers, significant success has been achieved in this sphere.  Great attention is paid to the formation of new economic relations, rational use of land, water and other natural resources,...

2 Aug

The plant for the production of dry gypsum mixtures and drywall is under construction in Lebap region

The economic association “Hilligurlushikonumleri” is building a plant for the production of dry gypsum compounds and plasterboard in the city of Magdanly, the Koytendagh Etrap. The new production will function in the structure of the Magdanly enterprise of building materials of the Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan.  The raw material for the new production will be rich deposits of gypsum stones. The plant, designed to produce 12 million square meters of drywall and 100,000 tons of dry gyps...

2 Aug


The next issue of the quarterly, scientific-practical journal "Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Turkmenistan" prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan has been published.  The journal opens with the speech by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the International Forum "The Great Silk Road - Towards New Frontiers of Development". Also on the pages of the journal there is an article dedicated to one of the main events of 2018 - the solemn commissioning cerem...