Online lectures were held in Astrakhan in honor of the 25th anniversary of the neutrality of Turkmenistan

On November 25, 2020, with the support of the Consulate of Turkmenistan in the Russian Federation (Astrakhan city), teachers of the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli (TSU) delivered online lectures for students of the Astrakhan State University (ASU).

At the beginning of the event, congratulatory words were made by the Deputy Head of the Agency for International Relations of the Astrakhan Region A. Aydin, the Rector of the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli B. Orazdurdyeva, the Rector of the ASU K. Markelov and the Consul of Turkmenistan G. Garayev.

The participants of the event were shown the video "Turkmenistan - Home of Neutrality", which introduced the achievements of Turkmenistan over a 25-year period.

Lectures were given by A. Burynov - Professor, Head of the Department of Social Sciences of TSU on the topic "The neutral status of Turkmenistan is a new model in the practice of international relations" and  B. Divankulieva - senior lecturer of the Department of Archeology and Ethnology of TSU on the topic "Neutrality of Turkmenistan: historical roots and positive experience of the world order".

The organizers of the online lectures have created an online portal in advance so that it is accessible not only for one lecture audience, but also for those who have expressed a desire to connect online.

At the end of the event, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the teachers of TSU and get comprehensive answers.