10 Sep

Speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the opening ceremony of International rally Amul – Hazar 2018

The Head of Turkmenistan addressed the participants of the event with welcoming speech and cordially congratulated them on the rally starting on September 11.  We host this international sport celebration Amul – Hazar 2018 and welcome the sportsmen who arrived to participate in the competitions in Turkmen land from other countries and other guests, the Head of the State said.  Organization of the rally in the year under “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” slogan indicates des...

10 Sep

Peace and security strategy: joining efforts in countering terrorism

Turkmenistan is a competent member of international politics as one of active UN-member states, makes its significant contribution to consolidate international community efforts in countering the threats against humanity, especially terrorism and radicalism. The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlines that, countering terrorism acquires strategic significance on the agenda of multilateral cooperation of Turkmenistan within Community of Nations along with global tasks in en...

9 Sep


On September 10, 2018, in the city of Turkmenabad a solemn demo for the International rally «Amul-Khazar 2018» with the participation of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov will be launched. Besides, on the 11th of September, International rally «Amul-Khazar 2018» which acquired great popularity in the world, will be given official start. As of today, it is expected that approximately 80 crews from more than 20 countries will participate in aforementioned international rall...

9 Sep

Painter and botanist Olga Mizgiyova discovers new plant 80 years ago

That day in September 1938 was the same like any other bright, crystal clear and warm day of colourful days of the autumn in Kara-Kala. These days were exactly the same centuries ago and would be the same after if it was not one circumstance, which made this day important, having given its place in the history to this day. Young woman was walking along Sumbar Valley, which spread the foothills of Wester Kopetdag Mountains, on that day. She had a rucksack on her back, planchette with paper and pe...

8 Sep

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov opens the first in the country combined gas and steam turbine power station

Speaking during the opening ceremony of the first in the country combined gas and steam turbine power station that works based on the coordinated control with Mary hydro-electric power station, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the new modern power station vividly testified to the successful implementation of the Concept for the Development of the Electricity Industry of Turkmenistan in 2013-2020.  The total capacity of the new facility is 1,574 megawatts. The station has four gas tur...

7 Sep

Turkmen capital to host the 55th session of the ABU on September 30 – October 5

At the session of the Government on September 7, Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov informed on the preparation to the 55th session of Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) General Assembly in Ashgabat on September 30 – October 5.  As is known, the ABU was established in 1964. As for today, 279 TV and Radio companies from 73 countries are the members of the Union. The State Committee for Television, Radio and Cinematography has been accepted as full member of the ABU in April 2012...

7 Sep

The growth of national GDP remains on 6.2 percent level

According to macroeconomic indicators, the GDP grew by 6.2 percent including by 4.4 percent in industrial sector.  Retail sale turnover indicator is 19.5 percent higher comparing with the same period of the last year.  Average salary wage increased by 9.2 percent comparing with the same period of the last year. Salaries, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships were paid timely and in full volume.  Rapid construction of 77 social facilities, 32 water treatment plants, more th...