25 Jul

Türk­me­nis­ta­nyň Pre­zi­den­ti iş mas­la­ha­ty­ny ge­çir­di

Hor­mat­ly Pre­zi­den­ti­miz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Mi­nistr­ler Ka­bi­ne­ti­niň Baş­ly­gy­nyň kä­bir orun­ba­sar­la­ry­nyň, har­by we hu­kuk go­raý­jy eda­ra­la­ryň bir­nä­çe­si­niň ýol­baş­çy­la­ry­nyň gat­naş­ma­gyn­da iş mas­la­ha­ty­ny ge­çir­di. On­da içe­ri we da­şa­ry sy­ýa­sa­tyň il­kin­ji no­bat­da­ky we­zi­pe­le­ri, “Türk­me­nis­ta­nyň Pre­zi­den­ti­niň ýur­du­my­zy 2018 — 2024-nji ýyl­lar­da dur­muş-yk­dy­sa­dy taý­dan ös­dür­me­giň Mak­sat­na­ma­sy”, şeý­le hem ata Wa­ta­ny­my­zy...

24 Jul

Ecology and business: entrepreneurs set production of building materials from secondary raw materials

The individual enterprise "Dana Dunya", located in the administrative center of Lebap region, is expanding the production of building materials from recycled materials. The entrepreneurs have mastered the production of several types of products from plastic, tires and other used in construction: two types of composite paving slabs, building blocks on a polymer-sand base, facade tiles and roofing material. In addition, the company recycles used tires, from the recycled rubber crumb by the method...

24 Jul

Priorities of Turkmenistan at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly

The 73rd session of the General Assembly is the most important event in the multifaceted activities of the United Nations. It is called upon to become an important milestone in the сonsistent сonsolidation of international efforts to address key issues on the global agenda, affirming the leading role of the United Nations in maintaining and strengthening global peaсe, stability and seсurity and fully realizing the deсlared sustainable development Agenda until 2030, in promoting the сontinued imp...

24 Jul

Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti özbek kärdeşini doglan güni bilen gutlady

Şu gün Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedowyň we Özbegistan Respublikasynyň Prezidenti Şawkat Mirziýoýewiň arasynda telefon arkaly söhbetdeşlik boldy. Söhbetdeşler mähirli salamlaşyp, iki ýurduň däp bolan dostluk, doganlyk hem-de hoşniýetli goňşuçylyk gatnaşyklaryna ygrarlydygyny tassykladylar. Hormatly Prezidentimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow özbek kärdeşini doglan güni bilen tüýs ýürekden gutlady we oňa berk jan saglyk, rowaçlyk hem-de doganlyk özbek halkynyň abadançylygyny...

23 Jul

The elite housing complex is developing on Shagadam Street in Dashoguz

The Shagadam Street turned into a big construction camp in the administrative center of Dashoguz region. The new housing complex is developing along the street, residential complex,which will be made up of brick four-story apartment buildings.The comprehensive school for 600 pupils, a kindergarten for 240 children, a Health House and other facilities for social and leisure purposes will be built here also.  The specialized state organizations and private construction companies take part in th...

23 Jul

Turkmenistan hands over humanitarian aid to the Red Crescent Society of Iran

Based on the friendly, fraternal and neighborly relations between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, in order to provide humanitarian assistance to those injured during the earthquake in the Iranian province of Kermanshah, the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed Resolution, instructing a number of ministries and organizations to donate humanitarian aid to the Islamic Republic of Iran.  The humanitarian cargo was delivered handed over to the Red Crescent Soci...

23 Jul

Döwlet, hukuk we demokratiýa institutynyň wezipeleri ara alnyp maslahatlaşyldy

Şu gün paýtagtymyzda geçirilen maslahatyň esasy meselesi milli Liderimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedowyň Permanyna laýyklykda döredilen Türkmenistanyň Döwlet, hukuk we demokratiýa institutynyň öňünde durýan möhüm wezipeler boldy. Täze institut Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň ýanyndaky Demokratiýa we adam hukuklary baradaky Türkmen milli institutyny hem-de Türkmenistanyň Prezidentiniň ýanyndaky Döwlet we hukuk institutyny birleşdirmegiň esasynda döredildi.  Çykyş edenleriň belleýşi ýaly, soňky ýyllar...