23 Jul

Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti wideoşekilli iş maslahatyny geçirdi

Şu gün hormatly Prezidentimiz Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Ministrler Kabinetiniň Başlygynyň käbir orunbasarlarynyň hem-de welaýat häkimleriniň gatnaşmagynda wideoşekilli iş maslahatyny geçirdi. Onuň gün tertibine ýurdumyzyň welaýatlaryny we paýtagtymyzy durmuş-ykdysady taýdan ösdürmek, möwsümleýin oba hojalyk işleriniň barşy bilen bagly möhüm meseleler girizildi.  Hormatly Prezidentimiz göni aragatnaşykda geçirilýän wideoşekilli iş maslahatyny açyp, ilki bilen, göni wideoaragatnaşyga Ministrler...

22 Jul

Türkmenabadyň innowasion hassahanasy daşary ýurtly näsaglary kabul edip biler

Saglygy goraýyş we derman senagaty işgärleriniň gününiň öň ýanynda Lebap welaýatynyň dolandyryş merkezinde Merkezi Aziýada iri köpugurly hassahana açyldy. Bu özboluşly edaranyň mümkinçilikleri daşary döwletlerden, ozaly bilen, goňşy ýurtlardan, şol sanda Owganystandan näsaglary kabul etmäge-de mümkinçilik berýär.  Döwlet Baştutanymyzyň tabşyryklaryna laýyklykda, Lebap welaýatynyň köpugurly hassahanasynda daşary ýurtly näsaglaryň gelmegi, şeýle hem hassahanany ylmy-usulyýet we işgärler bilen ü...

21 Jul

President of Turkmenistan Congratulates Health and Medical Industry Workers on Professional Holiday

To transform our nation into a comprehensively developed, prospering country, we have successfully implemented major long-term oriented reforms and conducted enormous works to shape the national healthcare model. Through introduction of advanced achievements in medical science and technology and use of best practices, we implemented structural improvements in this sphere, states the congratulatory address by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of the Day of Healthcare and Medical...

21 Jul

Avaza Aquapark is opened on Caspian coast

The opening ceremonies of aquapark were held in the evening in Avaza National tourist zone. The project is accomplished by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, which makes big contribution to the development of national tourist zone.  New aquapark is represented by large complex, which includes water amusements and facilities that are able to satisfy the highest requirements of the tourists of various age categories. Unique facility includes summer and winter aquapar...

21 Jul

Ultra-Modern Health Resort Added to Awaza’s Infrastructure

Awaza health resort was commissioned in the city of Turkmenbashi. The solemn opening ceremony was attended by Turkmenistan’s senior government officials, representatives of foreign diplomatic missions and other dignitaries.  The ground-breaking ceremony with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took place in May 2016. And today, on the Day of Health and Medical Industry Workers, the new resort was added to the network of health resort establishments of our country.  The com...

21 Jul

Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex starts new production of BOPP film

Opening ceremony of new facility for production of polypropylene film (BOPP) has been held at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex. Members of the Government, top managers of oil and gas industry, city administration and public organization, elders as well as foreign petrochemical partners took part in the event.  Establishment of big facilities for production of polymers, which are the main component for production of many goods used in industry, construction, transport, agriculture as well as wide...

21 Jul

Petroleum Products, Yarn and Glass Sheet on Top Positions at Exchange Trading

31 transactions were registered past week at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan.  Businessmen from the United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan purchased, in foreign currency, liquefied natural gas produced at the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries. Diesel fuel produced at the Seydi Oil Refinery was bought by representatives of business circles of Switzerland, Afghanistan etc. In addition, cotton yarn, household cotton, Portland cement and clear glass sheet were al...